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Si vous êtes à la recherche d'équipements de camping professionnels, Mobi Garden n'est peut-être pas la marque qui vous vient à l'esprit. Pourtant, c'est un fabricant leader dans le domaine du camping et coopère avec des marques européennes et américaines bien connues pour apprendre les concepts de conception et 80 % de sa production est destinée au marché occidental. Mobi Garden est un OEM pour certaines marques de plein air européennes et américaines, mais je ne peux pas dire quelles marques sont spécifiques. C'est un exemple typique de l'industrie manufacturière chinoise. De nombreuses industries manufacturières chinoises bien connues sont comme cela. Les propriétaires de marques sont des pays européens et américains et les produits sont fabriqués en Chine. Si vous êtes un campeur sérieux, vous n'avez peut-être pas entendu parler de Mobi Garden (avant maintenant), mais vous avez sans doute vu ou dormi dans l'une de leurs tentes.

Nous avons en stock les produits d'extérieur de qualité professionnelle Mobi Garden, car ils sont tout simplement parmi les meilleurs disponibles en termes de forme, de fonction et de qualité. L'achat de Mobi Garden en tant que produit de marque propre vous offre des fonctionnalités haut de gamme à un prix abordable, car vous ne payez pas pour tout le marketing de la marque. Selon mon expérience dans le secteur au cours des dernières années, une tente coûte plusieurs centaines de dollars, si elle réduit les coûts de production et de transport, les coûts de conception + bureau + fonctionnement, etc., dont une grande partie est consacrée au marketing de marque et au profit.

En achetant des produits Mobi Garden chez nous, vous bénéficiez d'un équipement de camping professionnel haut de gamme à un prix défiant toute concurrence, ce qui mérite d'être examiné à deux fois.

mobi garden

The Mobi Garden Story

Mobi Garden, founded in 2003, has a mission to provide professional camping equipment to serve the needs of:

· High-altitude (challenging) camping,

· Camping while backpacking or hiking,

· General camping at parks and festivals, and

· Any other scenario where a tent adds to your comfort.

In 2003, Mobi Garden started with the LS Tent series, but they expanded into outdoor clothing, all built to a high professional standard in the following years. Mobi Garden's mission is to get you close to nature, exploring the natural world, and through knowledge, understanding, and harmony with our beautiful planet protecting our wild spaces for future generations.


Innovation, Design, and Quality

Mobi Garden doesn't believe you should be wet, cold, or miserable while camping. Their professional camping equipment creates tents that give you comfort, spaciousness, a touch of luxury, and a beautiful experience to share with friends, family or enjoy by yourself as a blissful retreat from your busy life.

Mobi Garden works across the globe for many leading brands and tent designers - including the development, design, and manufacturing of tents and other camping products. More than 80% of Mobi Garden high-quality outdoor products go to Europe and the southern hemisphere – Mobi Garden has a huge market share because its camping products are recognizably high quality and extremely affordable, the same in China.

Steady progress, building quality into every part of the production from process design, production efficiency, materials chosen for quality and function, and an excellent and responsive customer service ethos. Mobi Garden's pride and professionalism have built a strong brand awareness with outdoor equipment suppliers worldwide. Mobi Garden is the power behind the best global brand names.


Why Buy Mobi Garden Camping Equipment?

Mobi Garden has completely independent product development capabilities:

· Developing between 200 and 300 ODM(Original Design Manufacturer) tent samples every year.

· 400 plus self-branded products.

· Global recognition of in-house camping tent research and development.

· Holds more than 100 patents relating to camping equipment.

It may be the name behind the prominent brands. Last year, the management of Mobi Garden wanted to develop its own brand in Europe and America and strengthen its reputation. Still, it has a range of self-owned brands available for the discerning customer who values quality, function, and professionalism in outdoor products.

Mobi Garden professional camping equipment

Mobi Garden professional camping equipment means that you get:

· Excellent weatherproofing – waterproof and windproof; when you use this equipment, you stay warm and dry.

· Locking warmth in and locking cold out in tents that weather the severest storm at high-altitude

· Lightweight – the best technologies reduce weight but give higher performance.

· Durable – affordable prices are not a compromise on longevity with Mobi Garden products.

· Latest and best technologies and processes in outdoor gear.

· Best price for a high-end tent by cutting out the expensive marketing stages between factory to end-user.


The Mobi Garden team is passionate about coatings for waterproofing, windproofing and UV protection, fabrics, pole materials, structural design, and shapes – above all, Mobi Garden teams care about the customer experience using outdoor products. Mobi Garden professional camping equipment will provide you with a safe experience in the polar regions or your back garden.

We select our range of Mobi Garden camping products to provide the most suitable product for your needs. We know what you need to create the best camping environment on your outdoor adventure, and we are committed to providing quality products at an affordable price. We supply Mobi garden because you get all the benefits of premium tents and technologies at a fraction of the cost you expect for this quality.

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