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About us

Welcome to Camperlists.

Camperlists and Collinsoutdoors are the same company, different teams. Camperlists only supports Paypal, while Collinsoutdoors supports credit card and paypal payments.

I have spent seven years in the outdoor industry, and I can assure you that I am deeply familiar with the manufacture and use of outdoor equipment. I've built this website to promote the best high-quality outdoor products on the market today. I want to encourage everyone to enjoy their outdoor experiences safely and with comfort.

The Amazon Alliance's growth means 90-95% of websites reviewing, evaluating, and promoting products have never bought or used the products. We are different – we purchase and test our recommended products. We stand by our opinions - if you buy one of our recommended products and find that it is not the high-quality product we say it is, contact us and we will refund your money. We are confident that what we say about a product is our personal experience of that product. We care about our recommendations.

Beautiful Zhejiang Province provides outstanding geographical features – mainly mountainous (74.63%), some plains (20.32%), and a sprinkling of beautiful rivers and lakes (5.05%). One of the favorite activities of people living in Zhejiang is outdoor interaction with nature -up before dawn to hike to the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise or enjoy a refreshing wild swim in a lake or river. Instead of eating inside in restaurants, many families prefer social picnics surrounded by the clean mountain air.

Deep abiding love for and relationships with the natural world means a thriving market in outdoor products. Zhejiang produces a massive 65% of global outdoor products, and most of the world-famous brands use China dedicated factories for outdoor equipment manufacture.

I hope Camperlists products are helpful to your camping, fishing and hiking.

If you have any questions, please contact our email.

Thank you.